Altitude Winter 2012

BAG PACKING PG 3 CULTURAL CAMP PG 4 SHOOTING PG 4 WI N T E R 2013 Cosford altitude ISLE OF WIGHT By Cdt. S Dhir This year the annual Isle of Wight camp took place on the week commencing the 24th of August. Cdt Dhir was lucky enough to obtain a place on the camp and she has written about what she got up to during the week. “After a long 7 hour journey, all cadets from West Mercian Wing arrive in Jersey Camp; where all cadets stayed during the camp. After a briefing about the mornings arrangements, all cadets were escorted to their rooms along with their luggage. Cadets prepared for the morning and had an early night. The next morning arises, all cadets wake up and changed into their greens and ready for breakfast at 08:00. Breakfast is the main meal of the day as many say. After having an English breakfast, all cadets got told what groups they were going to be in for the rest of the camp; also the day’s activities. Every day, each group were given the kitchen as a duty - which involved washing up and cleaning the kitchen. After eating breakfast, all cadets fell into their groups outside and head off to their activities. Groups A and B were doing Weapon Training and Groups C and D were doing Field Craft. After lunch the groups swapped over. Field Craft involved cadets being taught how to make their own shelters and were taught survival training. Along with being taught how to patrol and shown different ways of moving stealthily, such as the leopard crawl, in preparation for the night exercise. Weapons Training involved cadets learning about different weapons. Cadets were split into two groups: cadets who have had training and those who haven’t. The cadets who haven't previously had any training, were given a lesson on how to safely handle the rifles and then were all given the chance to take their Weapons Handling Test (WHT). All of these cadets passed. The cadets who had previously done training did different activities such as Radio Communications. The evenings activities were cancelled due to the weather, so instead of doing sport. the cadets watched a film, however some still decided to go for a run despite the poor conditions. >> 2497 (Cosford) Squadron Altitude | From Left: Cdt. S. Dhir; Cdt. E. Eccleston; Cpl. A. Mathias 1