Altitude Spring 2014 | Page 5

Progress through the ranks By Flight Sergeant M. Stokes Recently, the squadron’s Non Commissioned Officer team has expanded and rearranged. We, as an NCO team, make it our duty to connect the staff to the cadets. We are experienced cadets who have worked hard to achieve our rank and share our knowledge and experience. Firstly, Sergeant J. Alder was promoted to the rank of Flight Sergeant for his effort and commitment over the years. Last year he won multiple awards at the squadron’s Presentation Evening. Fight Lieutenant Vince and Flight Sergeant Alder Fight Lieutenant Vince and Sergeant Mathias Next to be promoted were Corporals R. Phillips and A. Mathias to the rank of Sergeant. Sergeant Phillips has aided the squadron in the building of its audience, by the creation of the squadron website and other forms of social media, as well as the editor of this very magazine. Sergeant Mathias is in charge of keeping the squadron competitive by organising regular competitions between the cadets, as well as being a regular friendly face. The other addition to the NCO team came in the form of five new Corporals. Cadets N. Lofthouse, S. Boyle, A. Morjaria, E. Giles and M. Tolog all excelled in their interviews and their hard work was rewarded with the gaining of their new rank. They will now work with longer serving members of the team to build their confidence and improve on their leadership skills. Fight Lieutenant Vince and Sergeant Phillips Congratulations to you all and good luck in your new roles I look forward to working with you! ● Below L-R: Corporals Morjaria and Giles; Fight Lieutenant Vince and Corporals Tolog and Boyle 5