Windermere Camp
In half term week, a few cadets went away to camp.
For some, it was their first camp. Here is a write up
from Cadet Mathias who gives an account of the fun
things they got up to.
‘Between the 2nd and 9th of June, eight cadets from
our squadron went to NACATC Windermere. They
were Cdt Cornes, Cdt P Boyle, Cdt Hawthorn, Cdt
Dowd, Cdt Gillet, Cdt S Boyle, Cdt Morjaria and me!!
It was an early start to leave for Windermere and a
3 hour journey ahead too. When we arrived we all
settled in and started to get to know everyone, thankfully we had a resting day before the busy week
ahead of us! We had our first brief and we got to
know our way around and prepared for the next
day, which was hill walking and navigating.
On Sunday it was the first of our early starts, and we
were up and ready to go by nine. There were three
different flights and we all took different routes to
get to a point within the nearby national park. It was
such a beautiful place to walk around and once we
got to the top we stopped in a very snug 10 man
emergency shelter, with twelve people! We did the
same on Monday and instead of a staff member
helping us we had to navigate back to centre on our
own (the quicker the better as the hot water ran out
On Wednesday we had a very busy day!! We did
canoeing and kayaking in the morning then got
changed and had our lunch. Straight after that we
went to gill scrambling, which was walking and climbing up a stream that ran all the way down a very tall
mountain. I think everyone still has the bruises from
that day!
Thursday was another very busy day it included
mountain biking and orienteering at another beautiful
national park. The mountain biking was very muddy
and cold but even for the beginners it was very enjoyable (more so going down than up!). For the orienteering task there was a set course and we were
given half an hour to complete it, we were in groups
of two and we weren't allowed to get help from other teams. After about an hour and ten minutes two
pairs finally made it back after getting just a tad
The next day was outdoor cooking, survival work and
rock climbing, we then split into two flights (Typhoon
and Fairies). We switched after lunch time and both
were amazing activities, but the abseiling part was
fairly scary to do! Our cooking work involved using
Trangia stoves to make a ‘cuppa’.
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