“Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.” Romans 5: 12.
ear reader, what I am about to share with you is not a scientific hypothesis, an experiment that underwent rigorous testing in a laboratory, and is now seen as a scientific theory. These are life-giving words.
Through the eyes of science, more and more we are discovering who we are; for the “thread of life,” which holds a chronicle of each body structure and functions, as well as every inherited tendency of a person has exposed her beautiful pages to us. The study of deoxyribo-nucleic acid; its acronym being DNA, the ladder like molecule in our body, certainly does corro-borate with the genesis story in the Bible.
It is written in the Bible that God created the first male and female. The first man Adam was made a living soul, in the likeness of God was he made. Every cell, tissue and organ were formed from the dust of the ground, and God breathe into his nostrils and gave him life. He had no bodily disorder or disease; he was perfect. Furthermore, God did not just make Adam and left him on his own to come up with an idea or plan of how to live his life. He made a wife for him, which Adam named Eve. He told him what he should eat and how he should live.
In other words, God provided for Adam's emotional state, told him what food was best for him and gave him principles, which instructed him as to how he should conduct himself so that he remained free from physical defects and moral debasement.
It is God's desire that we get a better under-standing of what it means to be in the likeness or glory of God. When God created mankind, He “blessed them, and God said unto them be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth. His purpose was that we should become a “holy nation,” a “kingdom of priests,” just a little lower than the angels in heaven. However, because of one man's sin, death came upon all men, for we all have sinned. Thus, a breach was made between us and our heavenly Father, the Light and the Life that separate men from darkness and death.
Before sin all that God created reflected His character, and physical beauty. Hence it is written, the heavens and the earth declare God's glory, showing perfect praise day unto day. Read Psalms 19: 1-4. The atmospheric heaven and the earth glowed with an exceptional hue, even though the sun, moon, and stars were not yet created. This was especially true for the first humans, Adam and Eve more than any other living creature on earth.
The creation story depicts God as having lofty ambitions for the beings He created in His own image. The holy pair was clothed in a visible form of energy made up not of fabric of linen, cotton, or silk, but of photons. A brilliant radiant ligh
2 ALTARBOY HERALD/January, 2013
The Descent
of Heredity