ALLURE MEDICAL - all•u Magazine all·u Magazine Summer 2018 | Page 10

{ LET ME explain a people puzzle that has always perplexed me: It’s OK to date. It’s OK to define a romantic relationship. It’s OK to re-evaluate a partnership. It’s OK to breakup. It’s hard in romantic relationships, but it is OK — if not essential to be able to date around and then break up when it doesn’t work out. Why is this not OK with friendships? Why can’t I date friends? Why do I feel so bad wanting to re-evaluate friendships? Why do I feel silly trying to label some friends as ‘best’ friends? WHY DO I FEEL SO, SO, SO BAD BREAKING UP WITH FRIENDS? In romantic relationships we have breakups all the time — it is considered an important part of finding the right partner. But could you imagine saying to a new friend: You owe it to your friendship to put it all out on the table. The entire goal of The Talk is to bring everything to the surface: • • • • • • Hidden resentments Miscommunications Old fights Jealousy Misunderstandings Boundaries RECOMMENDATIONS: • I recommend doing this in person — do not initiate over text or chat! Everything is better, clearer and easier in person. • Go with a goal in mind — do you want to clear something up? Do you want to address something? What would your ideal outcome be? “Um yeah. It’s been great seeing each other. But I just don’t think we are meant to be. I want to friend breakup. It’s not you, it’s me.” No way. I can’t imagine it. But here’s the thing: Sometimes we have to breakup with friends. Stomp out toxic relationships. See if you have one of these before moving on: This is one of the hardest articles I have EVER written. Partially because it is personal to me… OPTION #2: THE BREAK I have been broken up with by a best friend and it broke my heart. I recently had to break up with a friend and it felt like death. It is very rarely talked about. • • • • OK, so here I am going to try to make the best of this bad situation. Here’s how you know you need to break up with a friend… I think friendships sometimes need breaks. Especially if you just had a very difficult talk, you might need some time away. Breaks can serve to: Give you a fresh perspective Calm down Miss each other Re-evaluate HOW TO KNOW IF YOU NEED A BREAK UP: Here’s the nice thing about breaks — you can take them for whatever reason you are most comfortable with: There are warning signs that a friendship needs to end. Here they are: It’s Me: You can say that you are really busy and need time. • • • • • You dread seeing them You feel they undermine you more than support you There is deception in the relationship — they lie to you There is self-deception in the relationship — one of you is lying to yourself You have grown apart and the relationship is dragging on like a slowly dying animal It’s You: If you feel hurt by your friend’s actions, if you feel there has been jealousy or undermining — you can say you need time to recover. It’s Us: Especially after a hard talk, you can tell a friend that you need some distance for both of you to re-evaluate. RECOMMENDATIONS: • I do recommend adding a time component to your break. This will help if you have someone who is not good with boundaries. It will also give you time to re-evaluate without wondering if you should text or contact. Just like a romantic relationship, defined space can let you take a step back. • The terms of your break can be flexible or rigid. You can say, let’s talk again in two weeks. You can say, let’s see how we feel and check in when we feel we are ready. Any of these feel familiar? Keep reading. OPTION #1: THE TALK You know how in romantic relationships you have “The Talk?” That Talk is the pinnacle of nerves, awkwardness and sometimes resolution. The Talk usually has a number of goals: • • • • To clarify boundaries To define a relationship To see where each person stands To talk about a future Here’s the great thing about having “The Talk” with friends — it can initiate a breakup talk, it can prepare someone for an imminent breakup or it can resolve having to break up at all. 10 OPTION #3: THE SLOW BACK AWAY Let’s say you are in a one-sided friendship or you are friends with someone who is not good with boundaries. Then you might not be able to have the talk or an official break. In this way, you can try the slow back away.