ALLURE MEDICAL - all•u Magazine all·u Magazine Spring 2017 | Page 30

Angela Heitman , our director of regenerative services , has over twenty-four years experience with hair transplants and hair-loss prevention . She actively pursues further educating herself and has achieved certificates in stem cell preparation and laser therapy .


MEN ’ S STRUGGLES with hair loss have been in the public eye for decades . We ’ ve all seen the ads featuring balding men in search of hair-loss treatments . But women also suffer from hair loss , something that Angela Heitman of Allure Medical Spa knows all too well . She ’ s been working in the hair restoration field for twenty-four years , and during that time , she ’ s seen a lot of changes in both her patients and their treatment options . “ I ’ ve been seeing a huge surge of women come in lately because they ’ re doing their research and looking for answers ,” she says . “ In the past , the only treatments offered to women suffering from hair loss were Rogaine and lasers , neither of which were overly effective .”
Fortunately , women now have access to a new option : Platelet-Rich Plasma ( PRP ). It ’ s a simple procedure that involves using the patient ’ s own growth platelets to stimulate new hair growth . PRP has been used in wound care and orthopedics for decades because of its ability to encourage healing . PRP is obtained from the body by drawing a vial of blood and separating out the platelets with a centrifuge machine . About ten years ago , PRP was found to be useful for treating hair loss too . Angela has been thrilled to see how effective PRP is for her patients : “ In my twenty-plus years of working in the hairloss treatment field , I ’ ve seen that PRP is by far the most innovative and most powerful solution for treating women with hair loss .”
Lorraine , one of Angela ’ s patients who chose to pursue PRP , agrees : “ I made the decision to seek treatment for my thinning hair . The thought of having to be injected in those thinning areas was devastating , but every time I passed the mirror I knew — regardless of the anticipated pain — I had to do the treatment . Much to my surprise , the procedure for my hair was fast with very little discomfort . Best of all , IT WORKS ! I no longer see my scalp when combing my hair .”
Although hair loss is commonly associated with aging , Angela says that PRP is effective no matter how old you are . She has patients in their eighties whom she includes in her success stories . Whether her patients come to see her because of genetic baldness , traction alopecia , or hair loss caused by breast cancer treatments , Angela has seen a 90 percent success rate with PRP . She has performed over 1,100 procedures and is excited to continue helping her patients . “ Women have so much emotion associated with hair loss ,” she says . “ It ’ s expected that men will go bald — they can shave their heads and give up on having hair if they want to — but for women , hair loss is not [ socially ] acceptable . It ’ s very traumatic for women .” She wishes more women knew about PRP , especially breast cancer survivors who may already be dealing with mastectomies along with the loss of their hair . PRP can help them , also .
Another reason why PRP treatments are so successful is that patients are evaluated to find out if there are any specific problems that may be causing their hair loss , like a hormonal imbalance or a skin issue . If there is , the staff at Allure can address that as well . “ We treat hair loss with an entire-person approach ,” Angela explains . “ We have the facilities and the collective knowledge of all of these specialty physicians under one roof , so we can pull other doctors in if there ’ s more going on than just hair loss . At Allure , we don ’ t give up .”
Angela thinks that Allure ’ s commitment of constantly evolving , innovating , and evaluating Allure ’ s services is why her patients are so pleased with PRP . “ We don ’ t just send patients out the door without answers ,” Angela notes . “ We sit down with them and get to the bottom of whatever is going on .” A series of five PRP treatments for men or women is $ 3,000 . Please call 800-610-7386 to schedule an appointment with Angela and her team .
30 SPRING 2017