ALLURE MEDICAL - all•u Magazine all·u Magazine Spring 2017 | Page 29

MEN'S HEALTH "IF YOUR testosterone is low, you’re going to get fat." "...LOW TESTOSTERONE This is the title of my upcoming book. It’s a catchy title, and I want to tell you a little bit about it. This is such an important subject that I don’t want to wait until the book is finally printed to share it. OBESITY IN MEN IS A CAUSE OF AND TESTOSTERONE There’s been an increased understanding of the connection in men between low testosterone and weight gain. The question gets asked often: Which came first, the low testosterone or the weight gain? It turns out they are interconnected. Low testosterone leads to weight gain, and weight gain leads to low testosterone. It’s a vicious cycle. REPLACEMENT SIGNIFICANTLY REVERSES OBESITY IN MEN WITH LOW TESTOSTERONE." OVERLOOKING THE OBVIOUS Unfortunately, most men who are gaining weight are not offered evaluation for low testosterone despite extensive medical research linking low testosterone to weight gain, obesity, and diabetes. A 2016 study from Poland published in the Journal of Diabetes Research showed that prediabetes—which is a step between weight gain and d iabetes—is associated with low testosterone. No big surprise. Numerous studies have shown a clear link between men with low testosterone and the development of obesity and obesity- related diseases. My book reviews studies demonstrating that low testosterone is a cause of obesity in men and testosterone replacement significantly reverses obesity in men with low testosterone. A study published in the International Association for the Study of Obesity followed 411 obese men with low testosterone who received testosterone replacement for eight years. They were put on long-acting testosterone—similar to the way that we do testosterone replacement therapy at Allure. In this study, the men lost weight every year while on testosterone replacement. In fact, of the 411 men treated with testosterone replacement, only three men failed to lose significant weight long -term. Otherwise, they all lost inches off their waistlines and a significant percentage of their body fat. The heaviest of the men lost an average of sixty-six pounds. Studies involving drugs or lifestyle changes have not had this positive result. Nothing has ever worked as well as A VICIOUS CYCLE: LOW TESTOSTERONE AND WEIGHT GAIN IN MEN DR. CHARLES MOK, FOUNDER, ALLURE MEDICAL SPA testosterone replacement therapy. You can read more about these studies on our website, In addition to losing weight, men on testosterone replacement therapy see improvements in their blood pressure, blood sugar, cardiac lipids, erectile function, and overall quality of life. TESTOSTERONE REPLACEMENT ISN’T JUST FOR WEIGHT LOSS A six-year study following 83,000 men with low testosterone at the Kansas City Veterans Administration Medical Center published in 2016 showed that the men with low testosterone had an increased rate of heart attacks and strokes. Men with low testosterone that were treated with testosterone replacement therapy, however, not only consistently lost weight but also were one half as likely to die or suffer from a heart attack or stroke. The men who declined testosterone replacement therapy had twice as many strokes and heart attacks, and they were twice as likely to suffer from premature death. Numerous studies have shown that low testosterone is associated with diseases that are considered “normal aging.” Testosterone replacement in these men, however, is associated with improvements, reductions, or reversals of those same “age-related” diseases such as heart attacks, diabetes, obesity, erectile dysfunction, hypertension, minor depression, and fatigue. THE BOTTOM LINE If you are obese or have concerns regarding weight gain, consider testosterone replacement therapy. There is no reason to wait until your symptoms are severe. Not treating low testosterone levels will lead to more heart attacks, more obesity, a lower quality of life, and more deaths. Visit our office to fill out a questionnaire and have a blood test to be screened for low testosterone or call us at 800-610-7386 . 2017 SPRING 29