ALLURE MEDICAL - all•u Magazine all·u Magazine Fall 2018 | Page 7
Structured around the idea that some foods trigger severe inflammation in the body while others do
not, this diet prescribes a nutritional regimen that avoids foods known to cause inflammation.
By avoiding foods that trigger inflammation, the diet improves digestive health, cardiovascular
health and mitigates other more “noticeable” forms of inflammation like joint-pain.
• Plants from the nightshade family
(tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, eggplant)
• Processed/packaged foods (cookies,
chips, soda, hot dogs, etc.)
• Vegetable oils
• Gluten (wheat, rye, and barley). • Dark pigmented fruits and vegetables
including spinach, kale, cherries,
raspberries, blackberries
• Fresh, wild-caught fish
• Legumes (beans, peas, lentils)
• Tree Nuts
• Turmeric.
The keto diet (short for the ketogenetic diet) is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet that forces your
metabolism to use fat cells as a primary source of energy instead of simple sugars like glucose.
When the body is deprived of simple sugars, it’s forced to convert fat cells into ketones for energy.
As the body converts more fat to usable ketones, insulin levels drop, the body’s capacity for burning
fat soars and hunger become less frequent.
When working on the keto diet, it’s important to keep your intake of carbohydrates as low as
possible. A moderate amount of protein consumption is fine, but your diet should in no way be
“primarily protein” (like Atkins) as the body can convert excess protein into glucose.
• Grains (wheat, oats, rice etc.)
• Most fruits (fruits high in sugar
bananas, pineapples, oranges, etc.)
• Starchy vegetables (potatoes, corn)
• Sugar (raw sugar, honey, high-
fructose corn syrup, cane sugar) • Whole-fat dairy
• Above-ground vegetables (broccoli,
cabbage, etc.)
• Fatty fish (salmon, tuna, mackerel)
• Meat (beef, pork, chicken).
When it comes to hormone production, you are what you eat. As a woman, eating foods rich in
phytoestrogens (like soy) can help offset the body’s dwindling ability to produce estrogen. As a
man, eating foods rich in zinc (like oysters) and vitamin D (like tuna) can greatly improve your
body’s ability to produce testosterone as you age.
Just because you’re getting older doesn’t mean you have to feel older. The right diet,
coupled with adequate exercise and hormone replacement therapy, can keep your
body looking, feeling and functioning like its younger self.
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