ALLURE MEDICAL - all•u Magazine all·u Magazine Fall 2018 | Page 5

LETTER FROM THE OWNER DISCOVER ‘all . u’ We’re back! In the last few issues of all•U, we’ve talked about Allure’s plans for expansion and how we’re going to lower the cost of healthcare in the US by over 10 billion dollars. We’re really diving into these efforts in this issue. With a breakdown of how we’re doing it and what we’ve been able to accomplish so far, it’s quite an exciting read. We also have a feature article on Dr. Georgeson, one of our providers, and how he’s helping accomplish Allure Medical’s goals by bringing our views and ideals to other states. In this issue, we also decided to focus a little more on our staff and their personal achievements. For instance, one of our nurses—Nicole—created an Instagram page for her work here at Allure and is reeling in the likes and followers! My team and I are very excited about this issue, and we hope you’re just as excited to read it as we were to create it! If you like it, let us know; in the meantime, enjoy! Thank you! Dr. Charles Mok President & CEO, Allure Medical Spa CONTENTS 6 BALANCE 20 GOOD NIGHT, SLEEP TIGHT Hormones with Diet A DIY Sleepytime Essential Oil Blend for a Good Night’s Rest 8 GOOD NEWS FOR BAD JOINTS The Next Frontier of Arthritic Knee Treatment 22 HACK YOUR BRAIN 9 KEEP YOUR ADULT CHILD FROM 24 THE FOUR S s OF MEANINGFUL WORK So You can Reach Peak Success Moving Back Home 25 HOW TO SAVE THE PATIENT WHEN 12 25 EASY WAYS TO MOVE MORE The Patient is Healthcare Itself 14 RESTORATIVE LEADERSHIP: 28 MODERN TREATMENTS FOR MODERN LEGS How Courageous Leaders are Ruling the World Time, Health + Money 16 CONFESSIONS OF AN IGNORANT MAN 30 Q&A WITH NICOLE STAPP 5