Alley Art Movement Issue 01 May/June | Page 31

AS IT IS Dancing with moves of a ratchet crew Mechanically regurgitating gestures, demonstrated as “the right thing to do” Why hide the God in you? How can we live here and do nothing Let them season us with propaganda that confuses our thoughts into rubbish It’s called a feast of dreamers Breeding us into resources that support their family’s greediness Daily we submit Committing ourselves to dosages of pleasure The quick fix Stretching as long as our money’s spent Time bottled In exchange, a newer model Earning dimes with side effects, giving symptoms of never satisfied And we never bother to wonder who labeled us the misfits Unfit to rule the consciousness born within the “I” of we The eyes of me The separation between man and beast Tamed with chains we voluntarily latch to The artist creating new expressions of a greater you Somehow we’ve given them the copyright of life and now we pay them dues. But that’s what confusion proves, Give another the power to think for you And you’ll be sure to reach destruction soon Catastrophe The big boom Their celebrating in the confetti of divided particles Diced up knowledge of what we once knew Leaving no positive remains Trees bearing hollow fruits Seeds of cloned morals Religion wars have become the biggest proof Following a cascade of promises led by a fearful root Let’s put a halt to seeking infinity through the monarchy of loot Let’s colorblind ourselves and grab a hand that’ll help each other thru The class of the higher educated Born into a world widely militated Reorder peace unto the sapiens, Excuse me, the human beings Living in a dream of finite things with a sight of the all seeing Open your conscious realms, unify with the whole of all that is Don’t remain so complacent with the fantasy of limited fields. K rystle “Kismet” Wilson Urban Art Urban Art, at one time it was Napoleon Dynamite. The eclectic guy that everyone brushes off until he does something amazing, and they act as if they loved him all along. Until they realize he can't be controlled, then they hate him again. Held close to the hearts of a generation dying to be heard and understood, what Michelangelo produced on ceilings is what a teenager with a spray can concocts to the side of a train, or abandoned building. Corporate America tried to take it from the streets, clean it up, and then sell it back to the streets,via some advertisement for a product that's probably slowly killing us, but we know the difference. As we like to say, "real recognize's real," and your marketing campaign appears alarmingly unfamiliar Mr. Corporation. It's not about the colors used, or the curvature of the lines. Moreover, it's about the struggles conveyed, the hustle of the lifestyle, and rawness you can't duplicate in a controlled environment. Urban Art is more than art, it's a culture. A culture ran by the streets, for the streets. Love it, or simply leave it alone. FRESH EXPOSED BACK ALLEY Shawn Elliot 12