Spoken Words
Friday Morning
Encounter, On Repeat
Beautiful happening blazing Friday mornings
I wish they would bleed into forever
stain the pallid robe of eternity
break every hazy clock ticking in my deaf ear
reminding me that time is aging and so am I
midnight muse
we converse
we pour out the essence of the moon
no brain
no regulator
no reality
I kill it all
every atom .I
silken caramel freckles
more addicting than morphine
silken car [Y[??X??\??]\[YH??ZY?[??H???[?H?[??B??H?Z[B??X?Y?Y[?]?[?H?[\]????[???\[???\?[?H???[???\[??YX\?????Y?H\?\?HH^\?]x?&]?H?[???Y??HH?]?[?H^\?Y?H[H?[??HZ[??Y[?\??[?\??]??[??\??X]]Y?[?^?[????Y^H[??[???H?QQ????????]\?]\?PZ[K???B???X?[[???[B??\???\??H?]?H?\?]Z?Y???[H\??[?\?[??[^B?I????X?[?^H?]?\?[??Y?????\??X?HH?^B?H???\???\?[???\?H[?H[?\?^B?\????\?