All Saints Newsletter Christmas 2017 | Page 4

Sleeping Beauty Oh yes we did have a wonderful time at Weymouth Pavilion with Year 7. Our thanks go to Mr Lee Redwood who delivered half an hour of learning to our pupils prior to the show. The Admissions Policy for admissions from 2019 and are pursuing statutory consultation on this change from Monday 4 December 2017 for 6 weeks. The Policy is attached here together with the supplementary form. The Published Admission Number and Oversubscription Criteria remain the same as last year. For details of changes to Admissions Policies at other schools in the are please refer to the Schools’ websites and the Local Authority. Christmas Wishes children were fascinated by the information they gleaned into the conventions, logistics and history of Pantomime as they bombarded him with insightful interrogatives. Lee’s journey to fame was inspirational as was the enlightenment into the career choices available within the entertainment industry. School Admissions Policy All Saints School Consultation Statutory Notice. Governors of All Saints School Weymouth intend to include a termly waiting list with the If you have not already done so please see the Christmas Message from Mr Broadway on the news page of our website. For now however, we wish you and all of the All Saints School community a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and God Bless.