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Personality Types A, B, C, D... Do you know the difference?

Type A: perfectionist

Type B: easy going

Type C: hesitant

Type D: pessimistic

1. D 2. A 3. C 4. B

1. These people tend to have a negative outlook on life, with small events able to offset their day. Which type are they?

2. These people tend to be overachievers, and have a high sense of urgency. They are always busy. Which type are they?

3. These people are focused on the small details, and how things work. They lack assertivness and often don't speak up for themselves. Which type are they?

4. These people are not easily stressed. They are laid back, and aren't as competitive to get things done as other people. Which type are they?

Use these key words to match with the descriptions. All are used once.

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