All Modules B6-Development Matters in the early years | Page 61

General scope and sequence Toddler's Two's Older 2's Early 3's Older 3's PK-4 PK-5's 1-2 Y 2- 21/2 Y 21/2-3 Y 3-31/2 Y 31/2-4 Y 4-41/2 Y 41/2-5 Y Coordinated songs, rhymes, Movements & stories respond sound Understand and open/ close Follow simple the story, who's ans. Who, what main character? where when. ask patterns Following the story, who's main character to instructions to clarify understanding bring Sth. time to clean up, simple direct stand / sit work, set on the independently Directions show me rug. Mark with crayon Scribble circles 4 + up. Directions writing skills properly of letters letter Clear and neat presentation Up/down Lines Name Clear and neat work recognize Trace Understand first/last name. discovers writing and reading Assign a message to Writing and use known letters stating story own symbols drawing are or approximations of different Plain paper Similar size and shape Regular size and shape of Regular size and shape of letter Clear drawing up/down Holds pencil Left/right Directionality Lines letters to write play write play write, ABCs concepts: Trace Circles words in 60