All Modules B6-Development Matters in the early years | Page 45

Playing and Exploring, Active Learning, and Creating and Thinking Critically support children’s learning across all areas A Unique Child: Birth - 11 months Positive Relationships: Enabling Environments: observing what a child is learning what adults could do Understanding the world: Technology 7 Understanding the world: Approaches to Learning about Technology what adults could provide 105.Is interested in how a camera works 106.Enjoys playing games with sound in tablets 107.Understands simple actions like changing pictures with sliding finger 108.Looks for ways to turn on and off tools 109.Begins using tools to facilitate own process, like pulling a blanket to rich something, or using a stick to reach something. 110.Looks for help after trying persistently and not being able to open, rich things 111.Uses a spoon to feed self Technology is the use of tools to facilitate human process. Its use starts very early in life and continues to develop throughout life. See Characteristics of Effective Learning - Playing and Exploring and Creating and Thinking Critically See Characteristics of Effective Learning - Playing and Exploring and Creating and Thinking Critically The beginnings of understanding technology lie in babies exploring and making sense of objects and how they behave. See Characteristics of Effective Learning - Playing and Exploring and Creating and Thinking Critically 8-20 months 112. Uses a string to pull a car or a truck and uses it to carry other toys 113. Explores through repetition of routines 114. Use trial and error to fit things, explore objects, understand 115. processes 116. Anticipates repeated sounds, sights and actions, e.g. when an adult demonstrates an action toy several times. 16-26 months 117. • Shows interest in toys with buttons, flaps and simple mechanisms and beginning to learn to operate them. 118. Understands things have parts and looks for missing parts 119. Understand objects function by using them like trash can for placing trash 120. Seeks to acquire basic skills in turning on and operating some ICT equipment. 121. • Operates mechanical toys, e.g. turns the knob on a wind-up toy or pulls back on a friction car. 122. • Comment on the ways in which young children investigate • Have available robust resources with knobs, flaps, keys how to push, pull, lift or press parts of toys and domestic or shutters. equipment. • Incorporate technology resources that children • Talk about the effect of children’s actions, as they recognize into their play, such as a camera. investigate what things can do. • Support children in exploring the control technology of toys, e.g. toy electronic keyboard. • Talk about ICT apparatus, what it does, what they can do with it and how to use it safely. • Provide safe equipment to play with, such as torches, transistor