All Modules B6-Development Matters in the early years | Page 44

Playing and Exploring, Active Learning, and Creating and Thinking Critically support children’s learning across all areas 7 Understanding the world: Approaches to Learning about The world A Unique Child: Positive Relationships: observing what a child is learning what adults could do 40-60+ months 90. Is an inquirer who ask about the world and the environment making connections with previous knowledge 91. Uses tools like: Magnifiers ,microscopes, binoculars, balance scales, rulers, dropper, magnets, funnels, tweezers, etc. to explore objects. 92. Looks closely at similarities & differences, patterns, and change. Classifying and organizing objects 93. Uses comparative language describing objects 94. Talks about what happened during the day re-telling steps taken to do something. Missing some steps. 95. Is able to do a plan, act on it, and review results with some help from adult 96. Has many interest and is an active learner 97. Shares own discoveries with parents and teachers 98. Can predict what could happen if doing this or that, and is capable of planning ahead future actions 99. Experiment and investigate with new materials and different resources as natural or non-natural things 100. Understand the validity of information may vary from source to source. 101. Tries out new strategies to solve problems encountered 102. Is capable of working persistently to achieve results no matter interruptions or other thing going on around 103. Is aware of matter changes and talks about it 104. Understands the value of the scientific method steps and conducts own experiments using the wheel of wonder • Use parents’ knowledge to extend children’s experiences of the world. • Support children with sensory impairment by providing supplementary experience and information to enhance their learning about the world around them. • Arouse awareness of features of the environment in the setting and immediate local area, e.g. make visits to shops or a park. • Introduce vocabulary to enable children to talk about their observations and to ask questions. what adults could provide • Use the local area for exploring both the built and the natural environment. • Provide opportunities to observe things closely through a variety of means, including XYۚY