All Modules 41-How Things Work - Module 2 | Page 33

33 and down, or bend knees. Encourage language and discussion. How does it work? What is its purpose? (TK Function, TK Change) 4. Standard- Painting with brushes and fingers, becoming detailed in design 5. Standard- Manipulate play dough and clay, forming basic shapes 6. Standard- Shows improvement in eye-hand coordination 7. Standard- Uses scissors appropriately, open and close to cut paper - Provide children with a variety of materials and items for creating. Encourage language and discussion. What is it like? How does the paint brush function? How does the scissor function? What are its parts? How are your fingers like a paintbrush? Be Creative with your questions! (TK Function, TK Form, Thinking Routine- Creative Comparison, Thinking Routine- What Makes You Say That?) 8. Standard- Use vision to guide and integrate their interactions 9. Standard- Engages in activities that require hand-eye coordination - Provide various opportunities for children to observe, manipulate, take-apart, and puttogether different items. Be sure to always supervise, especially when small parts or pieces are involved. Encourage working in small groups or individually. Suggestions include flashlights, clocks, watches, blender, food processor, and so on. Encourage language and discussion. What is it like? How does it function? What are its parts? Why is it like this? What if? (TK Form, TK Function, TK Reflection, TK Causation, Thinking Routine- What is Missing?, Thinking Routine- I Used to Think/Now I Think, Thinking Routine- Think/Pair/Share)