Fears for fate of Edward Snowden as politician warns that extradition treaty with the United States will be observed
Julian Assange praises whistleblower Edward Snowden who faces extradition from Hong Kong back to US over NSA Prism revelations .
Fears for fate of Edward Snowden as politician warns that extradition treaty with the United States will be observed
Written by Amelia Alton
Regina Ip has suggested NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden should leave Hong Kong
One of Hong Kong ’ s top politicians has advised the NSA whistle-blower Edward Snowden to leave the city , where he is thought to be in hiding , saying he would not be safe from extradition to the US if he stayed .
Regina Ip , chair of the pro-Beijing New People ’ s Party and formerly Hong Kong ’ s security secretary , said the city was “ definitely not a safe harbour ” for the NSA contractor , whom Washington lawmakers have demanded be returned to the US for prosecution .
Ms Ip told reporters the city would be “ obliged to comply with the terms ” of the extradition treaty between Hong Kong and the US , which was signed in 1997 , should the US submit an official extradition request . “ It ’ s actually in his best interest to leave Hong Kong ,” she said .
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