A small rally in support of Edward Snowden was held in Manhattan
However , a petition calling for him to be pardoned , which was started on Sunday , had more than 42,000 signatures by Tuesday morning and was rising steadily .
The petition says : " Edward Snowden is a national hero and should be immediately issued a full , free , and absolute pardon for any crimes he has committed or may have committed related to blowing the whistle on secret NSA surveillance programmes ."
The petition on the We The People pages of the White House website needs 100,000 signatures to be considered by the Obama administration .
A second petition calling on President Barack Obama to take part in a live , public debate with Mr Snowden has fewer than 3,500 signatures .
Separately , the Guardian journalist behind the story , speaking in Hong Kong , said that there will be more to come from the documents .
" We are going to have a lot more significant revelations that have not yet been heard over the next several weeks and months ," Glenn Greenwald told journalists .
" There are dozens of stories generated by the documents he provided , and we intend to pursue every last one of them ," the reporter said .
Mr Snowden ' s girlfriend Lindsay Mills , meanwhile , has written of her loneliness following his departure on her blog L ' s journey .
She says she will not be writing it for a while , adding : " My world has opened and closed all at once . Leaving me lost at sea without a compass ."
She adds : " At the moment all I can feel is alone . And for the first time in my life I feel strong enough to be on my own . Though I never imagined my hand would be so forced ."
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