Alive 1 | Page 17

...about it, because then it’ll be too late; our time in this world is uncertain and you either use it wisely or waste it. There can be ways to know if you are actually living or just surviving, go ask yourself this questions: if you died today, would you be happy knowing you lived at your fullest? If you died today would you be able to look back at your life proud? If you died today, would you feel complete with all you did?

Be happy because life is beautiful, focus on the good things and at the end of the day be able to look back and smile because of something that happened, find good things

that’ll make you smile, and be positive, nobody likes a negative person because what we all want is to have a great time, so find positivism even in the smallest things, if it makes you happy then it’s perfect. Dream, and have objectives, like...