Kacar is interested in how we can understand the molecular mechanisms of evolution. She was award a NASA postdoctoral fellowship, followed by an Early Career Fellowship and funding from the NASA Astrobiology Institute and Exobiology Branch.[1] She was appointed as a postdoctoral fellow at Georgia Institute of Technology in 2010.[3] In 2011 she became a member of the Blue Marble Space Institute of Science.[4]

She joined Harvard University in 2012, where worked in the Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology.[5][6] Here she looked to identify how to reconstruct historical enzymatic intermediates between global geochemical reservoirs and biological activity.[7][8] She appeared on the Science for the Public, where she spoke about trying to reconstruct ancient genes about how they developed over millions of years.[9] At Harvard, Kacar managed to revive an ancient protein and managed to get it to evolve inside an Escherichia coli.[9][10][11][12][13] She is a member of the Harvard Origins Initiative.[14]

In 2017 Kacar was appointed to University of Arizona, where she is an Assistant Professor of Astronomy and Molecular and Cell Biology.[15] She is also an Associate Professor at the Earth-Life Science Institute at the Tokyo Institute of Technology.[16][17] She has been described as a "prominent member" of the NASA Astrobiology Institute.[18][19] She has received over $2 million of grant funding.[20]

Kacar is interested in public engagement and outreach.[21][22][23] During her PhD she began to translate articles about evolution into other languages.[18] In 2012 she co-founded SAGANet, an astrobiology social network.[24][25] She is on the Board of Advisory Committee of the MIT BioBuilder Foundation.[26] In 2016 she was named Way Cool Scientist by the Science Club for Girls.[27] Her work has featured on PBS.[28] She was interviewed in the magazine Turk of America.


Praesent vitae vulputate aliquet urna non dolor

condimentum vehicula lectus

Cras elementum massa nec erat viverra porttitor. Vestibulum id purus nec mauris eleifend iaculis a sit amet ante. Pellentesque eget elit mollis, luctus sem ac, bibendum velit. Morbi quis interdum ante. Vivamus sit amet eros erat. Sed quis lacus id diam interdum commodo non id mi. Maecenas commodo tellus eros, egestas placerat metus semper nec. Aliquam a elit interdum, efficitur ipsum nec, interdum arcu. Sed non iaculis urna. Aenean sodales ex nec pharetra tempus. Duis mauris turpis, euismod ac sapien eu, suscipit vulputate lorem. Pellentesque enim mauris, varius at ultricies non, elementum sed sapien.

Donec suscipit, lacus placerat blandit posuere, mi augue convallis metus, vel tristique leo erat eget magna. Mauris non dictum tortor. Sed cursus odio et nisi placerat mollis at vel velit. Aliquam auctor tempus convallis. Quisque varius, ligula et blandit euismod, massa quam viverra sem, id lobortis odio nulla eget ipsum. Maecenas vitae nisl risus. Cras vulputate pharetra commodo. Ut sed sagittis tortor.

Praesent scelerisque nulla ut enim fringilla aliquam. Duis at pellentesque mauris, ac vulputate lorem. Vestibulum a laoreet lorem, sit amet faucibus mi. Fusce aliquet urna non urna placerat mollis. Nam eleifend, nisi id ullamcorper feugiat, neque odio elementum ex, hendrerit feugiat velit lectus ut diam. Donec sed mattis mi. Mauris dignissim arcu sed lacus egestas pellentesque. Fusce eros eros, lacinia mollis pretium quis, dictum sit amet.