Alice Bob Eve ALICE BOB AND EVE | Page 7

YOUR FIRST VISIT: WHAT IS GOING ON NOW? So you’ve heard about this “Alice, Bob & Eve” thing, you’ve bought the tickets, and you’re finally here at our movement research living laboratory. As you are reading this in the gallery space, a number of different things could be happening right now. These could either be Research Events, Event Analysis and Dialogue, or System Update. Research Events In every 30-minute research event, the artist-researchers have created an interactive set of investigations that will: (i) make reference and/or make use of new technologies, (ii) include segments of movement by the performers, (iii) include a participatory element, whether it is through audience surveys or direct participation with the performers. The conduct and format of each research event is guided by a set of inquiry questions, centering on our personal and social relationships with movement and new technologies [See Parts 3, 4 and 5 of Research Guide]. They often have multiple stages, and collection of performers’ and audience data can be expected across all three research events.