When we first gathered for this research exploration between
visual artist and dance company, I was struck by Yue Han’s
theoretical and practical interest in experimenting with the
concept of a new social kinaesthetic. In short, how could
we as a public, come together through movement and
presence to rediscover the way we relate to ourselves and the
world, especially in a world thoroughly infused with digital
technology today?
Over the three phases of our creative process, we puzzled
over what it means to be an individual connected to data-
producing devices and sources, just how much the logic of
data and artificial intelligence have influenced our social
interactions, and we decided to create and refine a set of
movement research experiments that you now see here over
the two days.
Just who exactly are Alice, Bob & Eve? According to their use
in cryptography, they are merely placeholder names to help
understand how information security works. But for us, we are
drawing upon these humanising characters to help resensitise
our own normalised relationship with data and machine
learning. In our digital lives, in what ways, and with whom, are
we already Alice, Bob and Eve?