ALEH Annual Report 2016 ALEH Annual Report 2016 | Page 7

Singer David D ’ Or Paints and Sings for



Singer and artist David D ’ Or has turned his talents towards ALEH . Famous in Israel as a singer , D ’ Or recently took up painting , and is quickly gaining a reputation in that field as well . At the beginning of August , D ’ or invited children from ALEH Jerusalem to his studio in Tel Aviv , to paint together with him . In this video , you can see the very moving event and D ’ Or ’ s interaction with the children . In the film , Shlomit Grayevsky , Director General of ALEH Jerusalem , says : “ This is one of ALEH ’ s many projects that express the ability and the right of every child here to be significant , to be creative , to be an equal part of society .” D ’ Or states : “ Our world will be much better , much more correct , much more whole , if we learn not to exclude them . On the contrary , let ’ s integrate , make them part of our society because , as there are many colors and many shades , and there are endless thoughts and possibilities , so there are endless types of people and , in my opinion , this is a wonderful thing .” The collective painting was displayed at a dinner at the Carlton Hotel in Tel Aviv in early September , held to honor Major General Doron Almog ’ s Israel Prize . D ’ Or adapted his beautiful song “ Don ’ t be Afraid to Fly ” to be the theme song for the evening , and performed it at the dinner . We thank him from the heart for all he has done for our children .