ALDOT Statewide TSMO Program Plan ALDOT Statewide TSMO Program Plan 20190522REV | Page 31

regional TSMO engineers engage other departments, regional staff, MPOs, RPOs, and local agencies to seek opportunities for collaboration or shared efficiencies. It is recommended that there be a formal collaborative process established to integrate TSMO strategies with the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). For example, traditional surface transportation type projects should be considered to determine if a potential relatively low cost TSMO deployment should be added to optimize safety and/or mobility, offering enhanced benefits of an investment. Resources should be developed and updated annually to assist regional TSMO engineers such that project development can be as efficient and effective as possible. These resources may include access to current and compiled statewide crash data, National Performance Management Research Data Set (NPMRDS), weather information, cost information, etc. Each region may have slightly differing perspectives and needs and are likely require region-specific projects, programs, and deployment densities. The following project deployment guidelines have been developed to assist regional project development such that a level of consistency can be implemented to the project development approach across the state. The following project development approach consists generally of: analyzing data to identify needs, considering a range of deployment strategies, identifying potential opportunities for collaboration, and determining if the project is a wise investment. Project Development Guidelines TSMO Project Deployment guidelines have been developed to provide direction and guidance for ALDOT at a statewide level. The following project deployment guidelines reflect the region’s strategic approach to expansion. The guidelines themselves are aligned with initiatives included in the 2015 ALDOT Strategic ITS Business Plan. In general, it is recommended that needs be analyzed and organized based on the following criteria: • Safety (A) • Weather (D) • Mobility (B) • • Facility Type (C) Other Considerations (e.g., stakeholder input, existing facilities, project cost, partnership opportunities) The following chart (Figure 9) is used to determine the deployment approach depending on the criteria mentioned above. The letters (A, B, C, or D) are used to associate the criterion with the data resource or map, which allow the user to understand the relative need within each category. The following sub- sections provide a small image of relevant statewide resource maps; full-size statewide and regional resource maps as well as specific for data analyses can be found in the Appendix. 27