Alberta Meeting & Event Guide Fall/Winter 2017/2018 | Page 18

modern art, and impact Calgary’s status as a city of choice globally. Wrangling their energy became the work of one full-time staff member of Boom Goes the Drum. According to Derek, it required a dedication to clarity: clarity of story, value, ask, and expecta- tion. The approach wasn’t a ‘call to action’ or transaction, but rather an invitation to collaborate and contribute. Only when the committee’s enthusiasm was ignited and clear expectations delivered could they be activated to be ambassadors for Contemporary Calgary’s story, and attract their networks to want to be a part of it at LOOK. To support the committee’s efforts to introduce the Contemporary Calgary story and attract people to LOOK, Boom produced a private shopping night experi- ence in support of the fundraiser, which took place at Holt Renfrew (the present- ing sponsor) one month before the event. This pre-LOOK event gave invited Holts’ shoppers the chance to get to know and interact with Contemporary Calgary’s brand through visual art installed in the store, a curated fashion presenta- tion, and some of Calgary’s best food and beverages, as well as a compelling invitation to shop: Holt Renfrew gener- ously offered to donate 10% of sales that evening to Contemporary Calgary. “The plan,” MacDonald says, “was two-fold: get them in the door, and then get them in the door again.” Beyond shopping, this cross-promotional event involved a ticket 18 sales strategy: guests who purchased a LOOK ticket at Holt Renfrew that evening received 50% of their ticket purchase price back on a gift card to be spent that eve- ning at Holts (and 10% of that purchase when back to Contemporary Calgary as well). The event resulted in one of Ho