Alaska's Angling Addiction - Kenai River Fishing Guides 2014 2014 Kenai River Fishing Guide | Page 6

JUNe Beginning in early June, King Salmon June 11th marks the main opening also be one of the unique times of the This drift boat only fishery is a great River. Trout fishing is at the early the bank. Do not miss these first two begin their runs into the Kasilof River. place to have a shot at one of the Kenai’s largest and strongest fish. Back- trolling plugs or eggs is the method of choice and can be very productive. JUly July is a season of abundance. The middle of July brings the second run of King Salmon. Back-trolling plugs and eggs again is the method of choice. AUGust During the beginning of August Sockeye Salmon can normally still be found in catchable numbers, and the trout fishing is getting HOT. The harvesting of Sockeye Salmon of the fishing season on the Kenai season peak. Aggressive and hungry trout actively attack swung leech and sculpin patterns with reckless abandon. year when anglers can trout fish from weeks. It can be some of the best trout fishing of the year. Depending on water levels, this can Like clockwork, mid July brings the major run of Sockeye Salmon. The first couple pushes are generally massive, and can reach 200,000 fish each day. The big pushes last only a day or two, but the remainder of July holds strong and steady bringing good numbers of these hard fighting fish. Limits start at three fish per person, and if escapement goals are reached, will usually jump to six. produces lots of flesh and carcass floating around in the river and the trout are feeding heavy. The lower sections of the Kenai River can be particularly hot for big Rainbows this time of year. Drifting flesh and egg patterns near flesh collecting eddies is the game plan. Big fish &P