Alaska CHARR - The Magazine September/October | Page 12

Candidate Statements

Board of directoRs elections


Candidate Statements

COOK INLET CHARR Bob Klein , Anchorage Distillery , Anchorage
I ’ m delighted to be considered again for the Alaska CHARR Board of Directors Anchorage seat .
As some of you may know , I served many years on the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board as one of the two industry members , and most of those years in the position of ABC Board Chairman . I am currently halfway through the term limits mandated time off , but will reapply as soon as that ends . In the meantime , I am volunteering my time to the Board to help provide historical perspective for their deliberations . Having the credentials as a Board Member of CHARR gives significant weight to the industry input I can provide to the ABC .
I would be privileged , if you allow me , to continue to serve on our Board .
Steven Kantor , 49 ’ er Bar & Liquor Store , Ketchikan
I am asking for the membership to re-elect me to a 8 th term on the Alaska CHARR Board of Directors . This September I will be celebrating my 8 th year of owning the 49 ' er Bar & Liquor Store and my 22 nd year in the industry , I ’ m honored to be one of Ketchikan ’ s certified TAP instructors . I am also the current President of Ketchikan CHARR and as a licensee I am concerned with legislation for , and against , our industry .
Through participation in both State and Local boards I have been able to work successfully with legislators , city council members and ABC board members . I would love to continue this work on behalf of all our fellow licensees .
I thank you sincerely for your consideration and vote .
Robert McCormick , Glacier BrewHouse & ORSO , Anchorage
I have worked at Glacier BrewHouse and ORSO in Anchorage since we opened in 1996 .
I have been on the CHARR board for fourteen years . I have chaired the ProStart committee since its beginning eleven years ago , and serve as the President of the Alaska CHARR Future Hospitality Leaders Program , the 501 ( c ) 3 that now houses ProStart .
This is a great program that is a win for the students , the schools , the industry and CHARR .
I also serve on the Board of Directors as Treasurer of the Brewers Guild of Alaska . I believe being both a BDL holder and a brewer gives me a unique understanding of our industries .
I look forward to continuing to serve in these areas and would appreciate your vote .