Akram Youth How did this happen? | October 2015 | Akram Youth | Page 6

How did this happen? D uring last days of his life, Ashwinbhai called Ronak and told him : “Look after everyone in the house.” “Yes father; you please don’t worry.” After his father’s death, Ronak shouldered all the responsibility of the factory as well as household. Three-four years passed away very well. Thereafter, due to stiff competition in the market, his factory earned less profit. In spite of his efforts, Ronak was unable to increase his profits. Experienced Mansukhbhai, who had been working in the factory, together with Ashwinbhai, noticed Ronak and told 06 | October 2015 him :” Today the output of the goods that we get through our machines and workers also brings on lot of wastage. If we can control that, it will make a difference for sure.” “All that is okay, but I believe that if we have to face competition, we will have to make some smart moves. How long can we cling on to old methods?” said Ronak. “What have you thought about this?”questioned Mansukhbhai. “I am working on it and I will let you know soon.” Ronak promptly replied. They both parted.