AJC Seattle Community Seder Haggadah | Page 14

Antidotes to the Plagues of our Time

The 10 Plagues

When Moses asked Pharaoh to free the Israelite slaves and Pharaoh refused , God visited ten plagues upon the Egyptians . We now recite those plagues . As each is named , we pour a drop of wine or grape juice from our cup of joy . The tradition explains this custom by reminding us that our own joy is diminished in the face of the pain of others ; even though the plagues are an essential element in the saga we celebrate , we derive no pleasure from them , we do not gloat at the suffering they caused .
Dam , Blood Tzfardeyah , Frogs Kinim , Lice Arov , Wild Beasts Dever , Blight Sh ’ chin , Boils Barad , Hail Arbeh , Locusts Chosheh , Darkness Makat B ’ chorot , Slaying of the First-Born
דָּ‏ ם צְפַ‏ רְ‏ דֵ‏ עַ‏ כִנִים עָּ‏ רוֹב דֶ‏ בר שְ‏ חִ‏ ין בָּ‏ רָּ‏ ד אַרְ‏ בֶה ח ‏ֹשֶ‏ ך מַ‏ כַת בְכוֹרוֹת

Antidotes to the Plagues of our Time

Freedom Acceptance Democracy Equality Human Rights Peace Security Respect
Coexistence Pluralism