AJC Seattle Community Seder Haggadah | Page 13


Memory is not a static deposit ; it is neither rules nor happenings that confront us unchanging . Jews continually re-remember ; we retell and recast our past in light of changing communal experience and changing communal values .
-The Velveteen Rabbi ’ s Haggadah Waitings
The waitings which make up the life of a slave : first he waits for a spokesman and for plagues to plead his cause , then he waits for the waters to open before him , then he waits for the desert storms to name themselves , then ( being a slave ) he asks in his heart : why did I wait for the parting of the waters ? why did I wait for all this uproar and these burnings ? then ( being a slave ) he waits for answers .
- Stanley Chyet
� � " Hope is Saying ' No '!"
“ Hope is saying ‘ no ’ to the world immediately experienced . Optimism is the belief that things will be different , will be better .”
-President Havel of the Czech Republic ( playwright and former prisoner in communist Czechoslovakia )