Airsoft Surgeon European Championships Preview Issue | Page 48
CHAPTER 5: Competitor Equipment
Action Air Handguns
Firearms are regulated by Divisions (see Appendix D), but courses of fire must remain consistent for all
Approved Action Air Handguns are those which fire plastic projectiles of 6mm diameter.
Types of sights identified by IPSC are:
"Open sights" are aiming devices fitted to a firearm which do not use electronic circuitry and/or
lenses. Fiber-optic inserts are deemed not to be lenses.
"Optical/electronic sights" are aiming devices (including flashlights) fitted to a firearm which use
electronic circuitry and/or lenses.
The Range Master is the final authority in respect of the classification of any sights used in an
IPSC match and/or their compliance with these rules, including the Divisions in Appendix D.
Unless required by a Division (see Appendix D), there is no restriction on the trigger pull weight of a firearm,
but the trigger mechanism must, at all times, function safely.
Triggers and/or trigger shoes that extend beyond the width of the trigger guard are expressly prohibited.
Firearms must be serviceable and safe. Range Officers may demand examination of a competitor’s firearm
or allied equipment, at any time, to check they are functioning safely. If any such item is declared
unserviceable or unsafe by a Range Officer, it must be withdrawn from the match until the item is repaired to
the satisfaction of the Range Master (also see Rule 5.7.5).
Competitors must use the same handgun and type of sights for all courses of fire in a match. However, in the
event that a competitor’s original handgun and/or sights become unserviceable or unsafe during a match, the
competitor must, before using a substitute handgun and/or sights, seek permission from the Range Master
who may approve the substitution provided he is satisfied:
The substitute handgun satisfies the requirements of the relevant Division; and
In using the substitute firearm the competitor will not gain an advantage.
A competitor who substitutes or significantly modifies a firearm and/or sights during a match without the
prior approval of the Range Master will be subject to the provisions of Rule 10.6.1.
A competitor must never use or wear on his person more than one firearm or holster during a course of fire
(see Rule 10.5.7).
Handguns with shoulder stocks and/or fore grips of any kind are prohibited (see Rule 10.5.15).
Handguns offering "burst" and/or fully automatic operation (i.e. whereby more than one projectile can be
discharged on a single pull or activation of the trigger) are prohibited (see Rule 10.5.15).
Holster and Other Competitor Equipment
Carry and storage – handguns must be carried unloaded, in a case or bag of a design intended or suitable for
the safe carriage of firearms, or in a holster securely attached to the competitor’s belt. Violations are subject
to Rule 10.5.13.
Competitors arriving at an IPSC match in possession of a loaded firearm must immediately report
to a Range Officer, who will supervise unloading of the firearm. Competitors failing to comply
may be subject to Rule 10.5.13.
IPSC Action Air Rules, January 2012 Edition