Airsoft Surgeon European Championships Preview Issue | Page 47
Rearrangement of Range Equipment or Surface
The competitor must not interfere with the range surface, natural foliage, constructions, props or other range
equipment (including targets, target stands and target activators) at anytime. Violations may incur one
procedural penalty per occurrence at the discretion of the Range Officer.
Objects intended to cushion the fall of discarded magazines may be strategically placed on the
range surface by competitors prior to the start of a COF, under the supervision of a Range Officer.
The competitor may request that Match Officials take corrective actions to ensure consistency in respect of
the range surface, the presentation of targets and/or any other matter. The Range Master will have final
authority concerning all such requests.
Range Equipment Failure and Other Issues
Range equipment must present the challenge fairly and equitably to all competitors. Range equipment failure
includes, but is not limited to, the displacement of paper targets, the premature activation of rigid or moving
targets, the malfunction of mechanically or electrically operated equipment, and the failure of props such as
openings, ports, and barriers.
A competitor who is unable to complete a course of fire due to range equipment failure, or if a rigid or
moving target was not reset prior to his attempt at a course of fire, must be required to reshoot the course of
fire after corrective actions have been taken.
The declaration and/or use of any firearm as "range equipment" is prohibited.
Unrestored paper targets are not range equipment failure (see Rule 9.1.4).
Chronic malfunction of equipment in a course of fire may result in the removal of that stage from the match
results (see Rule 2.3.4).
IPSC Action Air Rules, January 2012 Edition