Airsoft Surgeon European Championships Preview Issue | Page 43

2.4.3 Competitors are permitted to use Safety Areas unsupervised for the activities stated below provided they remain within the boundaries of the Safety Area and the firearm is pointed in a safe direction. Violations may be subject to disqualification (see Rule 10.5.1). Casing, uncasing, and holstering unloaded firearms. Practice the mounting, drawing, "dry-firing" and re-holstering of unloaded firearms. Practice the insertion and removal of empty magazines and/or to cycle the action of a firearm. Conduct inspections, stripping, cleaning, repairs and maintenance of firearms, component parts and other accessories. 2.4.4 Projectiles, whether loose, packaged or contained in magazines or speed loaders, must not be handled (nor can propellant gas be released) in a Safety Area under any circumstances and magazines must have residual propellant gas released from them prior to them being taken into a Safety Area (see Rule 10.5.12). 2.5 Test Firing / Sighting-In Bay 2.5.1 When available at a match, a test firing bay must be operated under the supervision and control of a Range Officer. 2.5.2 Competitors may test the operation of their firearm and projectiles, subject to all existing safety rules and any time limits or other restrictions imposed by a Range Officer. 2.6 Vendor Areas 2.6.1 Vendors (i.e. individuals, corporations and other entities displaying or selling merchandise at an IPSC match) are solely responsible for the safe handling and security of their products and other items in their care, and ensuring they are displayed in a condition that will not endanger any person. Assembled firearms and their magazines must be totally devoid of projectiles. 2.6.2 The Range Master (in consultation with the Match Director) must clearly delineate the vendor area, and he may issue "Acceptable Practice Guidelines" to all vendors, who are responsible for their implementation in respect of their own merchandise. 2.6.3 Competitors may handle unloaded vendor's firearms while remaining wholly within the vendor areas, provided reasonable care is taken to ensure that the muzzle is not pointed at any person while being handled. 2.6.4 Competitors must not draw or re-holster their firearms in the vendor area (see Rule 10.5.1). Competitors seeking gunsmithing services for their firearms must firstly place them in a gun bag or gun case, in a designated safety area, before passing them to a vendor in the vendor area. 2.7 Hygiene Areas 2.7.1 A sufficient number of hygiene areas, with hand cleansing supplies and facilities, should be provided adjacent to lavatories and near the entrance to food service areas. IPSC Action Air Rules, January 2012 Edition 6