Airsoft Surgeon European Championships Preview Issue | Page 42

2.2.5 "Cooper" Tunnels – Are tunnels comprised of braced uprights supporting loose overhead materials (e.g. wooden slats), which may fall off when inadvertently dislodged by competitors (see Rule 10.2.5). These tunnels may be constructed to any height, but overhead materials must not be heavy enough to cause injury if they fall. 2.2.6 Stage Props – Where these items are intended to support a competitor in motion or while shooting targets, they must be constructed with the safety of the competitor and Match Officials as a priority. Provisions must be made to allow Match Officials to safely monitor and control competitor action at all times. Props must be strong enough to withstand use by all competitors. 2.2.7 Windows and Ports – Must be placed at a height reachable by most competitors, with a sturdy platform being available for use by others, if requested, without penalty. 2.3 Modifications to Course Construction 2.3.1 Match Officials may, for any reason, modify the physical construction or stage procedure for a course of fire,