Airsoft Action April 2020 | Page 79

FEATURE REALLY USEFUL some of them were exceptionally good. A common misconception about radios is that more output is good, as it must mean more range and better cut-through in congested areas. I suspect that this is partly behind the popularity of Baofeng non- PMR handsets, with their higher-than-PMR output. However, that misses the point: the true strength of a good PMR radio, or indeed any radio, is its ability to receive well and I have used a couple of sets, Binatone (believe it or not) and Motorola, which excelled in that respect and as a result allowed unfettered communication right across sites. As an organiser that radio was my right hand, connecting me, as it did, to other staff who could make things happen if required. The single best example was when a player dislocated their knee in a fall. The ease of communication ensured that he was attended to almost instantly and the arrival of paramedics happened as smoothly and as quickly as possible. Load carrying equipment. I’m unsure whether or not this falls into the same category as airsoft guns, but I think not. A really good example of why this is useful is holsters for side arms. Lots of players start with a generic, nylon leg holster which are basically good for ensuring that you lose magazines and pistols - or both! A good holster will ensure that none of that happens and makes sure that you can get to your secondary as quickly as possible. Likewise, well designed, well-built loadbearing gear will spread the weight of your equipment while making it easier to get to what you need. I know that latterly I moved away from full CIRAS-style vests to much lighter and more useable rigs as function began to outweigh style and my willingness to wrap myself in a tactical corset! Maybe cool sights are the most useful thing? Yeah, but no, but yeah. Sure a good red dot sight or a short dot scope can be really useful but how often have all of us walked our fire onto the target simply because it’s easy to see where white BBs are going? You can see my problem here – this isn’t the easiest question to answer. Leaving aside the individual ability and motivation of each player, there is little dispute that good kit makes everyone’s life a bit easier. I don’t necessarily mean expensive kit, just stuff that works and doesn’t fall apart. But is that the same as “useful”? Eye protection is useful if you don’t want to risk being blinded, but that wasn’t what I was thinking about. My problem here is that “useful” is an awfully wide term and I am struggling, even as I write, to understand what my original question actually meant! My whistle was “useful” as was something to drink, or a good supply of decent ammo - which was most useful? Honestly, I can’t come up with one, single item. The more consideration I give this the more I come to the conclusion that it wasn’t a case of one supremely useful item, rather a complete package of things which in my case was arrived at over years of trial and error. It was a combination of all the items I have already mentioned and more; paracord, electrical tape, ibuprofen, pens. The list is long, and the majority of it had a place in my kit and lived there. The years and changing roles would alter it along with the occasional purge to get rid of rubbish and weight. The question is probably unfair, to you and to me. If you can come up with one item, I’m impressed, but I can’t. Communications were vital both as a player and especially as an organiser, but I could manage without them if absolutely necessary and the same is true of so much else. Damn! I had hoped to find a nice clean answer, shining on a plinth to be held aloft but no – as far as kit is concerned, I think it simply mirrors airsoft itself; it’s an ensemble piece and greater than the sum of its parts. Next month, an easier question – whats the meaning of life?! AA “DAMN! I HAD HOPED TO FIND A NICE CLEAN ANSWER, SHINING ON A PLINTH TO BE HELD ALOFT BUT NO – AS FAR AS KIT IS CONCERNED, I THINK IT SIMPLY MIRRORS AIRSOFT ITSELF; IT’S AN ENSEMBLE PIECE AND GREATER THAN THE SUM OF ITS PARTS.” 79