Airsoft Action April 2020 | Page 78

FEATURE REALLY USEFUL WHAT’S THE THE MOST USEFUL BIT OF AIRSOFT GEAR YOU’VE OWNED? HAVING RETURNED FROM A TIRING TRIP “DOWN SOUTH”, FRENCHIE GOT TO PONDERING THE ANSWER TO A QUESTION WE MAY ALL HAVE ASKED OURSELVES AT SOME POINT. A s I write this, I am just back from a flying weekend visit to London, where I was attending the wedding celebration of friends. It all went smoothly, and the event itself, held in the Hogwartian (is that a word?) splendour of Middle Temple Hall, was fabulous. What was lacking, for one reason or another, was sufficient sleep so, as I finally drifted off last night in the comfort of my own bed, the thought “what’s the most useful bit of airsoft gear you’ve owned” crossed my mind. I have absolutely no idea why but it seemed as good a subject as any to consider. I’m going to exclude airsoft guns from consideration. Obviously, they’re “useful”, one might convincingly argue that they are actually essential – to airsoft. In my sleep- deprived langour, that wasn’t what I was thinking about, it was the items that make airsofting better or easier. So, things like load-bearing gear, or boots, or multi-tools; a personal favourite. As ever your answer will probably be radically different to mine and the problem with mine is that, frankly, I’m not sure what it is! elsewhere… Boots occurred next. Like most of you (I suspect), I have been through many different pairs of boots over the years on site. Bad boots are a nightmare! No grip, no water resistance, no support, whereas good boots are the exact opposite. Cold wet feet will get you down regardless of how well everything else is going, so boots could be high on the list. That said, the best boots I ever owned weren’t waterproof or particularly warm, they were a pair of OTBs I got a long time ago. I used them, and both of my sons used them when they played and it was many years before they (the boots, not the kids) finally died. Although not waterproof, they dried very fast and they were as comfortable as slippers. Absolutely top kit! Radios. As someone who spent most of his airsofting life running games rather than playing them, radios are a godsend, especially if they are decent radios. Like most of us, I ran a variety of PMR sets and POTENTIAL ANSWERS My instant answer to my own question was a multi-tool; I have lost track of how often I have used mine on site to fix, cut, tighten, loosen and otherwise fettle something, but then that is also true of daily life – if I don’t have a tool on me, I feel naked, so maybe I should look “...I THINK NOT. A REALLY GOOD EXAMPLE OF WHY THIS IS USEFUL IS HOLSTERS FOR SIDE ARMS. LOTS OF PLAYERS START WITH A GENERIC, NYLON LEG HOLSTER WHICH ARE BASICALLY GOOD FOR ENSURING THAT YOU LOSE MAGAZINES AND PISTOLS - OR BOTH!” 78 APRIL 2020