assaults an enemy position without superior
numbers meant that NATO in the story had a
surplus of men and materiel. One criticism of
the day would be that the idea of a regen vs
medic system was essentially sound but not
all players were aware of it. During the early
phases of play this led to some raised tensions
and a few mutterings of ‘Teflon bastards’ from
the Russian side.
Sian: I felt the use of different regen
rules at different points in the day was good
though as it kept it interesting. It was clear the
guys from Urban 6 did it because it fitted that
scenario, rather than being stuck with the “Well
we do medic rules here because that’s what
we always do” attitude that I’ve encountered
in the past.
Gadge: Once again we have to applaud
Urban 6’s team for making sure that e veryone
got some hot food and drink down them during
the break. Even in cold and wet weather it’s
March 2012
all too easy to dehydrate. A drink and a chat
around the gas heaters do wonders to restore
morale and calm frayed tempers!
With lunch out of the way we took to the
field again for the second part of the adventure.
With the SAM sites cleared the NATO forces
now had to clear a set of radar dishes, to deny
the enemy any early warning of the incoming
NATO heli forces. In much the same way as
the morning’s play, every single feature of the
site became a fearsome redoubt for the enemy.
As the occasional sleet and snow showers fell
and obscured vision, hit and run ambushes
were conducted by small roving Russian patrols
separate from the main defending force.
Many airsofters will know Swynnerton from
some of the early Town Assault games, and
many more from having spent uncomfortable
days on Army, TA and ACF exercises on it. The
sheer variety of terrain at Swynnerton is quite
staggering. Built as an ordnance factory and
storage site in WWII and later used as a nuclear
defence site and Army Training Area, the site
has a curious mix of ruined red brick building
(including an underground hospital), blastproof bunkers, assault courses and even an
amphibious assault training area. Recently the
MoD has upgraded the site to include realistic
Afghanistan security bases and vehicle check
points – and the Urban 6 guys are lucky enough
to be allowed to use these new areas too!
It was on an attack up the side of one of
these concrete bunkers that the NATO forces
finally put paid to the last troublesome radar
dish – and with the imminent arrival of troops
the Russian force headed for the hills. While
NATO may have achieved its objectives the
Russians had cost the Brits and Yanks dearly –
and they still had one last card to play…
While the main battle was underway a team
of rebels had captured a downed NATO pilot
and were holding him hostage in a secure
base. It was up to NATO to get him back! For
this final instalment all hell broke loose as the
NATO force swooped down upon the ‘Afghan
compound’ area... After a truly chaotic firefight
the allies managed to free the captive and the
final whistle was blown.
As the guys called endex there were smiling
faces all around despite the appalling weather
(Operation Clear Skies? Operation Pissing It
Down more like...). Urban 6 had provided a
thoroughly engrossing and entertaining day –
and we can see why they have a large and loyal
base of regular players.
So if you’re an airsofter looking for something
a bit more involved than your average open day
but perhaps less kit-intensive than a MilSim
weekend, this might be exactly what you’ve
been searching for! ■
Stone, Staffordshire, ST15 0QN
Walk-on: £30
Rifle hire: From £15 (incudes rifle,
face mask, chest rig and 1,000 BBs)
to £25 (for heavy gunner or sniper
[email protected]