related reason for us to move out to the next
stage of the day. The scenarios were allowed
to go on long enough to get the most out of
interesting skirmishing terrain, but moved on
before it became dull. The movement between
scenarios felt fairly organic and not forced or
Gadge: As the patrols pushed out further
they occasionally found themselves subject
to some well-executed Russian harassing
attacks. Before long the first of the SAMs was
discovered though, and promptly destroyed.
Throughout the day the Russian forces really
had NATO on the ropes and
every single SAM site was
a real effort to locate and
destroy, so when the marshals
called a halt for a much-needed
meal break I don’t think
anybody on the NATO team
was particularly upset!
For the whole morning
NATO had been on a regen
rule, allowing them to keep
deploying troops to hammer
away at the Russian positions,
while the Russians were
allowed a medic once they
were hit to get them back into
the game. Working on the
military maxim that no attacker
“...we were given
further crucial safety
info. To paraphrase:
‘See that hill there,
don’t go past it or you
might get shot – as in
really shot’”
wasn’t an issues as the marshals were on the
ball and marking with signs or tickertape would
have detracted from the (at times terrifyingly)
real feel of the skirmishing on what is, as
mentioned above, a proper army training base.
with the fairly loose ‘kit requirements’ a fair few
had got into the spirit of day and on the Russian
side at least there were a few ushankas donned
and a greatcoat or two (though the believable
Siberian temperatures may have been a factor
of the kit choice).
On route to the first scenario start point
we were given further crucial safety info. To
paraphrase: “See that hill there, don’t go past
it or you might get shot – as in really shot.” (I
hasten to add these weren’t the exact words,
but that’s what my brain translated it as). At
first I was a bit unsure as to how easy the
boundaries would be to remember since they
weren’t clearly marked. But in retrospect it
Gadge: The Russian forces left quickly to
set up defensive positions. Once they had been
given sufficient time to dig in the NATO foot
patrol set out. (Their objectives were threefold:
destroy SAM radar sites, locate and destroy the
mobile launchers, and take out any rebels that
opposed them.) Before too long the carefully
staggered foot patrol scouts had found the
enemy firmly ensconced in a bunker complex.
A hasty attack was launched and after a frantic
firefight the Russians were pushed out, and
NATO had its first foothold in the province.
Sian: The site organisers kept up really
good comms and kept the gameplay moving.
Once it became apparent the Russians were
firmly bedded into the complex they prevented
a stalemate and provided a plausible plot-