Got a letter, question, picture or something to make us giggle? Email it
to [email protected] and you could win two tickets to a
Gunman Airsoft event!
Hi Nige,
Can I first say it was great to meet you
and the team at the Airsoft Arms Fair
last October – already looking forward
to the next one, although God knows
just how expensive it was last time!
Are you ever going to review any
of the cheaper ‘Chinasoft’ weapons
that so many people (including myself)
use? So far all the guns you’ve
reviewed have been in the mid to
high price range, and lots of us lowly
airsofters are forced to stick to budget
guns until we’ve saved enough for that
G&G, VFC, TM, G&P, WE, KWA… too
many initials!
And I have another, far more serious
complaint. Not since your first issue’s
competition have you told us who the
winners are. I don’t mean to be cynical
but you must know people will begin
to doubt the competitions even exist!
So it would be nice if you could print
the names of the winners some time.
Apart from that, I love the mag,
and hope it stays around for years to
Jon Marsh
Dear Airsoft Action,
When I first started playing
airsoft I chose to be a sniper.
Although loads of people told
me it was a mistake it was
what I wanted to do. You
wouldn’t believe how many
people scoff at you when you
take to the field with your
ghillie suit and bolt-action
What I want to know is,
why is the role of the airsoft
sniper demeaned? They’re
important in real life so why not in airsoft? Ok so we can’t hit targets at 1,000m or
whatever, but we can hit targets further away than the M4 army can!
I hope to see more articles dedicated to the airsoft sniper in future – the one in the
first issue was a good start but I want to know more about kit, tactics and so on.
Paul Roland, Berks
AA: Hi Jon – first, your point on
competitions has been duly noted – if
you flick to page 10 you’ll find a full
list of winners of competitions from
November issue through Xmas issue.
And second, we’ve so far focussed
on those sort of rifles because, after
all, we’re the new kid on the block and
have got a lot of catching up to do!
But rest assured we will of course not
ignore the cheaper weapons available,
especially, as you say, for an awful lot
of people they are the first weapons
they will own.
February 2012
AA: Hi Paul – you’re actually in luck! Well, sort of – if you flick to page 87 you’ll find
an excellent article on the role of the airsoft designated marksman. This is similar to
a sniper but combines the more ‘exciting’ role of the infantry too. Hope that helps for
now – we’ll see what we can do in future for you!
Hey AA!
Letters is all well and good – but how about
pictures of readers in their kit? I mean, if
people like to see their name in print then
they’ll bloody love to see their faces!
Take care,
Brian Littleworth
AA: Hey Brian! Well, tell you what, send us
your picture and we’ll print it! How’s that
for fair? If we get enough we shall devote
an entire two-page-spread to pics of our
beautiful readership in all their glory (SFW
only, please!)!
We want your airsoft pictures!
Send in pics of yourself, your
team, or whatever, dressed in
your finest load-out or in the
middle of the action! We’ll pick
the best each month and print
them right here, for the whole
world to see.
Email: anthonyp@
Hard copy photos can be accepted
at the address at the front of
the magazine. Please include a
stamped, addressed envelope if
you want your pictures back!