Airsoft Action 06 - Feb 2012 | Page 5

62 YOUNG GUNS JEZZ BLUME ON GROUND ZERO’S LAST GAME OF 2011 65 BATTERIES: PART II BARRY COLLINS EXPLAINS WHY SIZE DOES MATTER 68 FIGHTING FIT DON’T UNDERESTIMATE THE IMPORTANCE OF KEEPING FIT 73 77 83 SKIRMISH BOOT CAMP NIGE JOINS IN THE FESTIVE FUN COLD WAR WARRIORS THE US ARMY AIRBORNE 82ND INSIDE AIRSOFT BEHIND THE SCENES AT AIRSOFT ARMOURY 87 TEAMWORK: SDM EXPLAINING THE SQUAD DESIGNATED MARKSMAN 94 MEDIA REVIEW WHY ELDER SCROLLS V: SKYRIM WILL DEVOUR YOUR SPARE TIME 97 BOOKSHOP OUR SELECTION OF BOOKS HANDPICKED FOR THE AIRSOFT BOOKWORM W elcome to the first issue of 2012 (yes I know it says ‘February’ on the cover but that’s just how magazine publishing works!). Anyway, I trust you all had a fabulous Xmas and New Year and the big fat fella brought you everything you wanted (new gun, new boots, new camo…). So, what has 2012 got in store for us? Well, if my diary is anything to go by it is going to be one hell of a year for airsoft – and for Airsoft Action. Everything kicks off with a trip to the SHOT Show in Las Vegas in January (yeah, I know, it’s a dirty job…), then the British Shooting Show at the end of February, followed by IWA in Nuremberg two weeks later! We’ll be covering airsoft events and games in the UK and abroad and continue bringing you site reviews from all over the country. We won’t be forgetting kit either, with some pretty awesome exclusives already in the pipeline, and some stuff we can’t tell you about yet (but I promise, when we can you’ll be the first to know). I understand that there may be one or two non-airsoft related events going on in 2012, which is great – with millions of people glued to their tellies, the roads will be clear for us to get to our own games. Tell you what though: when it’s all over, wouldn’t the Olympic Park make a stunning airsoft site? How’d you fancy assaulting that spiral tower alongside the Stadium? (Hmm… I wonder if we can persuade Mr Sugar to get his chequebook out?) …and with that thought, I’l