Airmeith - Savonnerie de Caylus (82) WHOLESALE e-catalogue 2018 | Page 2

1 . Ingredient Commitment

About our Brand

Inspired by Airmeith , the Cel3c Goddess of herbal healing coupled with our own love of and respect for the natural world , we are passionate about responsibly sourcing all our plant -­‐ derived base oils , bu > ers , waxes , dry botanicals and essen3al oils used across our whole range of skin and hair nourishing products .
We work closely with our suppliers to ensure that the products we buy are of a superior quality , from sustainable sources and never tested on animals .
But you don ' t have to take our word for it . Not only do we have hundreds of sa3sfied customers but each of our products have undergone rigorous toxicity tes3ng by specialist approved Assessors , as required by EU Law , to ensure that what we claim to be true is true and safe to use .
Furthermore , each of our products are individually recorded on the European Commission ' s Cosme3c Products No3fica3on Portal ( CPNP ), a system created to regulate cosme3c products manufactured across the EU .

2 . No Poo Commitment

Unlike commercially produced soaps , shampoos , condi3oners and liquid soaps , you won ' t find any creepy nas4es such as Parabens and Sodium Lauryl Sulphates ( SLS ) lurking in our label small print .
In fact , next 3me you go shopping , just have a look along along the shelf where the soaps are located . No3ce that soap bars are marketed as " beauty bars " or something similar . This is because these items contain so many harmful and harsh chemicals along with the manufacturing process being so alien and so far removed from the authen3c , ancient art of soap -­‐ making , that it is illegal for any commercially produced soap to be called soap . This is why , in recent years , there have been a plethora of co > age industries like us , springing up to take the world back to a 3me when the word “ soap ” meant soap .

3 . Organic Commitment

Everything we make is lovingly hand -­‐ craUed in South West France using as far as we possibly can , french produced organic ingredients such as our essen3al oils and natural fragrances .
Where it has been impossible to source our ingredients from France or its colonies , we have carefully selected cer3fied organic suppliers from the UK and within the European Community as our partners . Yet despite all our ingredients being cer3fied organic , as a business , we are not able to promote and sell our products as bio / organic simply because we are not a cer3fied organic business due to cost constraints .
Airmeith -­‐ Savonnerie de Caylus ( 82 ), 14 Avenue du 8 Mai 1945 82160 CAYLUS France SIRET : 828928044 00019 T : + 33 ( 0 ) E : airmeithsavonnerie @ gmail . com www . airmeithsavonnerie . fr www . airmeithsavonnerie . co . uk