Issue 3
JAS 2017
Book: The Marshmallow Test by Walter Mischel
‘With profound implications for the choices we make in
parenting, education, public-policy and self care, The
Marshmallow Test will change the way we think of who we are
and what we can be.’
Not only does the study and this book based on it, reveals that
‘self-control’ is crucial to success and wellbeing, it also reveals
that a life with too much of it can be as unfulfilling as one with
too little. The author suggests a few ways to mastering it;
1. Hot Emotional System vs Cool Cognitive System - Hot system gives life the
emotional zest, but focusing on hot features of a temptation affects self control.
High Stress activates the hot system. ‘Keeping cool’ thus has a great significance.
2. If - Then Plans - Being prepared for a tempting hot stimulus with an ‘If (stranger
offers a candy) - then (i’d refuse it). With practise, the if-then plans will develop into
a habit and take away the effort out of effortful control.
3. Cool the Now, Heat the Later - Push the temptation in front of you far away in time
and think about the future positive consequences.
4. Self Distancing - Stepping out of the ‘I’ in a heated situation and looking at it
neutrally, will increase the psychological distance, reduce the stress, cool the hot
system so as to make sense of the situation, gain control and closure.
Book: Switch by Chip & Dan Heath
Parents will find this book easy to read and follow in
helping their children. The authors take up from Jonathan
Haidt’s ‘Elephant and the Rider’ metaphor and show how
to change things when change is hard by;
1. Directing the rider through clear and encouraging plan
2. Motivate the Elephant by finding the feeling that
matters and by shrinking the change.
3. Shape the path - tweak the environment to suit the