Issue 2
AMJ 2017
Research – Children who receive
pocket money, less likely to be in debt
An interesting Survey by ING
International shows: Children who
receive pocket money are more
likely to develop strong financial
planning skills later in life and are
much less likely to be in debt. The
study was conducted of more than
12,000 consumers across Europe. It
found that those who received
pocket money as a child, exercise
more control over their spending
than those who didn’t – and are also
less likely to be overdrawn and
Those who received pocket money
are also more likely to save money.
Our take: In a largely cashless
society, pocket money is a
concrete tool that can tangibilize
the lessons in money
management, which must be
acquired by doing. This survey
simply supports the case for this
incredible learning tool called
pocket money. And we are not
surprised by the results.