AIM #2 AMJ 2017 | Page 8

Issue 2 Explore AMJ 2017 2. Specify boundaries/ rules before hand, set expectations Money Management Tips for Kids 3. Give the child, responsibility and accountability for the pocket money. 1. Money is not just to spend or just to save. You can use your pocket money in 4 ways (use 4 jars); 4. Be your child’s money mentor. The cycle of pocket money training and learnings is illustrated in pictures below. Bonus Lessons from the 4 Jars Making Choices Accountability Discipline Self Control Goal Setting Entrepreneurship Empathy Responsibility 1. Spend - meet your need & some wants. Needs first. Wants later. 2. Save - for your goals (e.g. bike) 3. Sow - (invest) for college or setting up business, or exploring 4. Share - with someone in need 2. It is your responsibility to collect your pocket money on a set date/ time. 3. Keeping account (a count) of how you use your money will help you review and learn 4. It is ok to make mistakes, as long as you learn from them. 8