AIM #2 AMJ 2017 | Page 5

Issue 2 What’s HoT? Explore AMJ 2017 I. Explore Head or Tail Money is a mere number today as most transactions happen electronically. Children hardly see any physical transactions, except at times witnessing the magic of casting a spell at the hole in the wall to get money called the ATM. the value of money and make sane financial decisions as they grow? Pocket Money Training Making and Managing Money today is what hunting and gathering was in the Palaeolithic era. It is the force that dominates most of our days The media-dominated, peer culture we are raising our kids in, works in opposition to and decisions today. It thus kids developing skills becomes imperative to train like - responsibility, children to master this force goal setting, self and become powerful to discipline, drive, and claim the life they deserve, empathy - the skills now and in future. necessary for their wellbeing - financial Money from the Hole in the Wall Pocket Money Training is or otherwise. that money laboratory in Imagine what will happen of kids with which children can experiment and fail, learn and acquire the skills and attitude privileges who grow up getting what they that will enable them become want, when they want - without hard work or painful wait - when they enter the real independent, in a risk-free setting. world, and are on their own. 3 stages in Pocket Money Training: Rich kids don't necessarily end up rich 1. Role Model Debt, Student Loans, Mortgages, youngsters living with their parents longer are the first world problems faced by families across the world. Children from well-to-do families are staying financially dependent on their parents, in extreme (not few) cases, way until their thirties. How can our kids, living in abundance and a virtual financial world, appreciate Both parents discus among themselves and align their approach to money and related themes; role of money, attitude to spending / saving, risk tolerance, values that are important. If there are differences among the parents in their approach, it is important to understand what are the negotiable and non-negotiable elements. 5