This piece of insight work will document and compare the views , experiences , and expectations of three groups of people and patients :
1 ) Patients currently using and benefiting from the service
2 ) Patients who have been approached to participate but decided not to enrol
3 ) A similar age-matched group who do not live in the area where this service is available
The results of the patient feedback exercise will be published , and we have been invited to be involved in ongoing research discussions with HN based on this work .
As well as contributing to HN ’ s funding applications to the Small Business Research Initiative ( SBRI ) we will also contribute to their National Institute for Health Research Invention for Innovation ( NIHR i4i ) funding application .
Find out more about our work with HN on page 17
University of Leeds Business School
Working with a team comprising senior researchers from the University of Leeds Business School , School of Politics and International Studies , and School of Languages , Cultures and Societies , we contributed to public involvement in the refinement of artificial intelligence ( AI ) tools to analyse media coverage of COVID-related issues and the impact on public behaviours . This work has led to further collaborations with the Business School and our South Yorkshire Innovation Hub alongside our partners at the South Yorkshire Integrated Care System to develop proposals for funding bids to look at how public health messaging can be better tailored to meet emerging needs and priorities .
Patients and the public have increased access to knowledge , medical records and online peer support and now it is time to ensure we extend the reach of patient and public involvement to enable greater impact and benefit on the sustainability of our healthcare systems .
Help from the Yorkshire & Humber AHSN has been absolutely invaluable for NPIC , from initial planning and set-up through to our national scaleup this year . Their practical help includes chairing our steering group meeting of over 40 partners , essential patient and public engagement work and support for industry interactions . The support from the AHSN has been a key factor in NPIC ’ s success , and we are delighted to be working with them .”
Darren Treanor , Director of the National Pathology Imaging Co-operative ( NPIC )
50 Transforming Lives Through Innovation