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The support of the AHSN has ensured that CONDOR has benefitted from a breadth of public opinion in the planning , governance , and dissemination activities of the project .”
Dr Philip Turner , CONDOR Investigator and Senior Researcher , NIHR Community Healthcare MIC and the Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences ,
University of Oxford
National Pathology Imaging Co-operative ( NPIC )
NPIC is a digital imaging deployment and artificial intelligence development project , part of a £ 33m government and £ 11m industry-funded programme to implement a digital pathology capability across England . One of the five centres in the country leading this work is based in Leeds . We established the patient and public involvement component of this project , initially setting up and chairing a Public and Patient Advisory Group ( PPAG ) to share data and help build public trust in the concept .
In addition to contributing to the project ’ s communications and delivery plans and conducting surveys on behalf of the PPAG , we are working closely with the Ethox Centre and Wellcome Centre for Ethics and Humanities at the University of Oxford , a collaboration that seeks , amongst other ethical issues , to ensure there is greater parity across all communities when it comes to inclusion and diversity .
The COVID-19 National Diagnostic Research and Evaluation platform ( CONDOR ) was established in March 2020 through a collaboration between five of the 11 Medtech and Invitro diagnostics Cooperatives which are funded by the National Institute for Health Research . We have been supporting the patient and public contribution to the evaluation of commercial COVID-19 tests which explores evidence of the effectiveness and suitability of new tests for use in different situations .
To help ensure the views of patients and the public were considered in all stages of this work , we organised patient and public involvement group meetings where senior members of the research team were able to discuss topics and issues .
This has helped to guarantee a public perspective is always included in discussions and decisions . Importantly , this contribution has included work to improve and support greater and wider public knowledge and understanding by encouraging the production of more publicly accessible descriptions of the outputs and findings .
HN ’ s clinical coaching service
We are collaborating with HN who provide a clinical coaching service for people with long-term health conditions . This service has been piloted in our region and we have been supporting the design and execution of a qualitative evaluation of patient and public views and experiences of being involved with the programme . The aim of the work is to provide robust and valued patient and public perspectives that can be included in the development of a larger funding bid that is due to be submitted later this year .
Impact Report 2020-21 49