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Yorkshire & Humber AHSN colleagues have added immense value to our rapid insights learning and innovation work . From design and start-up , through to data capture , engagement and compilation of case studies , we have benefitted from the thought diversity , creativity and rigour of approaches and experience provided .”
Jo Farn , Programme Director for Systems & Leadership Development , West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership
essential for us to work with our partners in local health and care systems to spend time thinking about what the future should look like using data and evidence from our work throughout the pandemic as the key driver for our conclusions . We focused on identifying which pre-pandemic operating practices we should revert to and which we should retain once the immediate pressures of the pandemic subside . We have also identified the new innovations and changes to working practices adopted during the pandemic that have the potential to positively shape our health and care services as we move forward .
Working in close collaboration with our colleagues at North East and North Cumbria ( NENC ) AHSN as well as our partners from the four Integrated Care Systems ( ICS ) across the North East and Yorkshire region , we have considered the evidence that has emerged from more than 470 contributions to capture the learning that will help inform future plans .
Our work resulted in the publication of research-led Rapid Insights reports to capture the significant changes that were possible through digital innovation , the reconfiguring of services and enhanced partnership collaboration .
54 hours of interviews
509 responses
47 facilitated discussions and workshops
34 cases studies
Impact Report 2020-21 5