AGTR Magazine Vol.2 feat. NicoisMusic | Page 23

-What are some of your favorite things to do when you aren't performing?

SLEEP… it’s something I don’t get a lot of these days! My kids are very active in music, sports and academic events, and I always enjoy watching them progress at what they love to do! I looooove to spend time doing “nothing” with my husband, as that’s very rare too!

-What is an event in your life that has impacted and influenced your life and your music?

A meeting with my First Lady that instructed me to put my singing career on hold to learn about what I desired to sing about! (I sat and served for years while I let the Lord infuse me with His anointing, confidence and purpose before cutting Undeniable).

-What process do you take you to write a song?

It varies.. I can receive a full download while shopping in the Wal-Mart..or receive a track from a client with a specific subject and study the scriptures while meditating on the melody. In a lot of cases I write songs with my husband while I’m in the studio with my main producer Adolf.

-Out of all the songs that you have written, do you have a favorite?

There’s a song I wrote with a beautiful artist named Kimise called “Wonderful You Are”..can’t wait for the world to hear!

-Many people have you on their playlists, if you could choose only 1 other artist to listen to forever who would it be?

Hmmm, I would have to say Jesus Culture.

-What do you hope to accomplish in the next 5-10 years?

I would love to reflect on a diverse portfolio of not just music, but business ventures that give me the ability to sow into good ground and advance the kingdom.

-What can we expect next from NicoisMusic?

I am not at liberty to say at this time…just wait for it!!..

God is always up to something!!

"I've always been a little edgy and different"
